She is *so* my daughter!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My little NKOTB fan
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 2:08 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
No more Elmo potty
I think if we hadn't moved Leila would be full potty trained by now. She was doing really well for a while. BUT, we did move, and potty training regressed a little, but that's ok - she's just a little over two!
Anyways, Leila has taken a major interest in going potty on the toilet again. She's been doing really well going on her little Elmo toilet, but when we were at the mall last week she had to go pee, so we went to the bathroom at Pottery Barn Kids and ever since then she's been over the little toilet. "I like Daddy's toilet" is what she now says. That's fine and good, but she wouldn't go #2 on the big toilet, until today...
I'm so proud of her! I know she won't be proud of that video, so I won't leave it up for long ; )
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 4:58 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Flower power
We were lucky enough to get a gift certificate to Alden Lane, a huge, gorgeous nursery really close to our house. We went last weekend, and Leila had a ball!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 9:28 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Leila's new pool
A couple of days ago we bought a pretty big pool that would easily fit all three of us, and even the dogs if they were so inclined. Tony took the giant pool out of the box and read the instructions. Very first line read : DO NOT PLACE POOL ON ANY HOLLOW DECK. Uh-oh. That's exactly what we were going to do.
The pool wasn't going to work out, and no one felt like driving back to the store to exchange it. It was 95 degrees, so we decided some rubbermaids would work for the time being. Leila had a blast in the "pool" and loved getting Daddy wet with the hose!
I exchanged the giant pool for a kiddie one, and of course today is not hot. Oh well, at least we don't have to use storage bins.
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 12:53 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Little Miss Nature Girl
Tony was home yesterday, and I told him that I need at least a few hours completely uninterrupted. He said "no problem" and decided to take Leila and Ramon on a hike.
Leila and Tony had some great daddy-daughter time, and I got all of my orders completed and sent out. Yesterday was a great day!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I went to put a couple of things away in Leila's room, when I noticed a few bottles of wine in her hamper. Hmm...the bottles were still sealed, so obviously she wasn't getting smashed. I had no idea why she would have put them there, so I picked them up and walked to the wine cabinet where I saw this:
Apparently Leila thought the wine cabinet would be a good place for a bottle of bubbles, a mini Cinderella and one random flip flop.
I love her.
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 9:10 PM 4 comments
Dance - week 3
Little Miss Leila was not into me taking a bunch of pictures today at dance, so I didn't get any great ones. But, I did want to share how dang cute she looked in her yellow tutu!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 8:58 PM 2 comments
Happy Easter!
Leila and the puppies got some fab baskets from the Easter bunny:
looooves her new shades!
Then we headed over to my Auntie Mary's and Uncle Ralph's for a really lovely Easter celebration with family, some of which we hadn't seen in a while - it was so nice to reconnect!

Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 7:35 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dance - week 2
And her sweet teacher, Miss Jamie made the girls some super cute cupcakes for Easter! Leila and I both had a great time at dance this week!!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Free Diapers
Go and fill out this form and you'll get a sample of Huggies new Pure & Natural diapers!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Leila's first dance class was yesterday, and I think she'd give it mixed reviews. We've been getting her excited for dance ever since I signed her up. We've been doing tap moves on the kitchen floor for weeks, and when she woke up from her VERY short nap yesterday she couldn't wait to go to dance.
<-- here she is, so excited to go!
Then we got to dance....she didn't want me to put her down, and had a kung-fu death grip on me! I did the entire ballet portion of the class holding least I've still got some moves ; )
The teacher (fortunately) brought her baby to class...the baby dropped something, and Leila jumped down from me, ran over to pick up whatever it was and was *quite* impressed with the lovely noise her "tap tap shoes" were making. That broke the ice, and Leila tapped the rest of the class.
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 8:39 PM 10 comments