I was heading out the door to meet a friend for lunch, the other day, when Leila noticed my new shoes. "Cute sooooz!" she said, while staring down at my orange wedges. "Leila, sooz, pease?" So, I took off my shoes and handed them to her. She put them on, and did an impressive job walking around downstairs in them. A few minutes later when I needed to go I asked for my shoes back. She handed me some flip-flops that were laying around. Sigh. She kept my shoes on, and I left in far less cute flip-flops.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Cute soooooz!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 1:44 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
She pooped in the potty!!
WARNING: There's a lot of poop-talk in the following post. Turn away now, if you don't want to hear it!
Over the last week or so Tony has been talking to Leila a lot about "the potty" whenever he changes her he tells her about "poo-poo" and "pee-pee" and how she can sit on the big girl potty when she wants to. Well, on Tuesday Leila looked at Tony and said "Poop!" He asked if she had a poop, she said yes so he went to change her. Well, she didn't actually have a poop, but about ten seconds after changing her she did her thang. She was telling us that she needed to poop! That got Tony very excited and we had to immediately rush to Babies 'R Us to pick up a potty and some books. She sat on the potty that night (with her clothes on) just so we could plant the idea in her head, and also sat on it several times on Wednesday.
Cut to Thursday night -Leila's eating pasta in her high chair when she starts yelling "Daddy, Daddy, poop!" So, we took off her diaper and she had a little poo nugget. Tony asked if she wanted to sit on the potty and she said yes. She sat on it for about a minute, and then stood up - very proud of herself and cheered "Poop, poop!" Sure enough - there was another poop in her potty! We went crazy (I screamed and scared her a little bit...) we gave her lots of praise and let her know how proud of her we were!
I am amazed!! Honestly, I thought Tony was a little crazy thinking that we could start potty training this young, but I eat my words. Way to go, babe! What a great daddy!
Leila's "reward" every time she goes on the potty, or even sits on it will be one fruit loop.
So, please wish us luck as we enter into the very scary world of potty training!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 11:38 AM 3 comments
18 months old!
I truly cannot believe that my little peanut is 18-months-old today! Time really does fly!
Last Year:This year:
What a difference a year makes!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 11:34 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sneak Preview
A few weeks ago, the very talented Katie Gardner did a photo shoot with our girl. We won't get to see all of the pics for a few weeks, but here is a sneak preview. My favorite (so far) is the one with Leila by the tree in her green dress!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 1:02 PM 7 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Unfortunately Leila's fish, "Cookie Monster" went to fishie heaven. She didn't seem to notice, though and we replaced him with a new fish. It's a spotted calico goldfish (sounds fancy, huh?) His name is "Tweak" because he reminds us of the spastic kid on "South Park." We also got a new fish toy to put in there - a shark, because Tony didn't like the pink coral. R.I.P. Cookie Monster. I think he made it a little over a week.
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 3:22 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Oakland Zoo
We love the zoo ~ we went again today! We finally took Leila on the zoo train, and she had a blast! She kept waving to people, and saying
"toot toot" with her little hand-motion! I think the train was definitely her favorite part of the zoo, but she also loved seeing the new baby giraffe!
That "baby" (in the middle) is only a few months old, but is already over six feet tall! She sure is cute!
Towards the end of the zoo visit the three of us shared a popsicle (or a pop-a-cool) as Leila says!
Before we left, Leila had to (of course!) stop and pick some flowers for mommy! This girl loves to smell flowers! Yesterday her and Tony bought me a bouquet of roses, and Tony said they were at the store forever so she could smell all of the flowers!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 10:40 PM 4 comments
Muir Woods
She force-fed Tony goldfish!
How awesome are those redwoods?Our lil' zombie:
Please pardon the shakiness...I was pushing the jogging stroller!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 10:10 PM 1 comments
Our Fissies
Cookie Monster is the fat orange and white one, and Bubbles (who Leila named all on her own) is the black one. We walked past the fish, and Leila said "Leila...fiss...please?" How could we say no?
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Aquarium of the Bay
We have been taking advantage of days that Tony is home, and are doing all sorts of fun things! Last week we went to San Francisco. We first went to the Aquarium of the Bay on Pier 39 - Leila loves all the "fissies." She got a shark crown, that both she and Tony looked awfully cute in! After the aquarium we went to some shops on the pier, and then headed over to Fisherman's Wharf for lunch.
We had a great day!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 9:57 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Is there anything more precious?
Seriously - is there anything more precious in the entire world than the following picture? I was upstairs, making jewelry and this is what I came down to:
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 5:35 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Mommy's Little Firecracker!
ately the same can't be said for Tony who's on a 24-hour shift on the firelines at the big fire in Red Bluff, but I digress.)
Anyways, the day started out with Leila letting me sleep in until 7:45 - woo hoo! We then had some breakfast and took Ramon on a walk to the "big park" about a mile down, swung on the swings and went downt the slides before they got too hot. After we got home and put Ramon to bed we went to Barnes and Noble for storytime. Leila was the only one there and got a one-on-one reading show and a giant sugar cookie with red and blue sprinkles. We came home and Leila took a three-hour nap! All that reading tires her out! After her nap we went to my mom and dad's and visited with them, Auntie Dana and Uncle Roo.
It was a nice and relaxing 4th of July - Happy Independence Day!

Since I didn't get a great shot all day, I wanted to show of Leila's super cute, patriotic outfit! Her red, sparkly flip-flops were her favorite part!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 9:30 PM 6 comments