Wednesday, April 30, 2008
"Lllllllllleila" That is what we hear all day long. Leila loves to say her name, and she especially loves all the "l" sounds. As soon as she wakes up in the morning she points to the pictures on her wall (all of her) and says "Llllllllleila." Me: "Yep, that's Leila." Leila: (Pointing to me) "Mama. My mama." Me: "Yep, I'm your mama." Leila: (now pointing to herself) "Llllleila. Leila! Leila! Leila! Llllllleila!" And before she goes to bed at night we'll probably hear "Llllllllleila" another hundred or so times.
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 9:55 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
On the hunt for a cleaner pasta
I am on the hunt for a "cleaner" pasta for Leila. As you saw from the previous post, Leila looooves her pasta, but that red sauce is such a pain to clean up now that the princess INSISTS on feeding herself...at all times! This afternoon I made Leila three different types of pasta, in hopes that she would love one (or all) of them without making a giant mess. I made her Deceptively Delicious mac 'n cheese, which is always a hit, alphabet pasta with small-cut sundried tomatoes (she loves 'em), snow peas, grilled chicken, a little olive oil and parmesean cheese, and alphabet pasta with a garlic-alfredo sauce. I'm really hoping that one of the two new ones will be a winner. Leila had the Deceptively Delicious mac 'n cheese and a gardenburger for dinner tonight, both of which she loved and did not make a big mess with. We'll see how she does with one of the new pastas tomorrow.
Here is Chef Leila helping me out:
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 7:44 PM 4 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
I can't turn my back for a second!
And this is why I can't turn my back for a second. Watch the progression. (Note: this all took place within about 30 seconds.)
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 7:04 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
She can use a fork!
Leila can feed herself with a fork, and she is quite good at it! We were having risotto last Thursday and she kept grabbing for Tony's fork. Finally he gave it to her, and she stuck the fork on his plate, got a few pieces of risotto and put it in her mouth. We thought it was a fluke, but we were so wrong! Ever since she's been feeding herslef with a fork and she keeps getting better and better. She also loves to feed us! Here is a picture of her eating dinner tonight:
(and she goes shirtless when feeding herself, because she rips of bibs in less than two seconds)
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 8:56 PM 2 comments
Little Miss Fancy
So, last night after her bath, Leila decided she didn't want to wear her bathrobe anymore. She whipped it off and put on her (my) faux fur instead. She was very upset when we made her put on her pajamas.
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 7:46 PM 5 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Fun at the park
Today was gorgeous, so we spent pretty much the entire day outside! After Leila's time in the pool we walked to the big park. Unfortunately the swings were way too hot, but she got to go down the slides with Daddy. After playing and relaxing in the shade for a while Tony decided he wanted ice cream. So, we walked downtown to Cold Stone. Tony had peanut butter ice cream, with brownies and reeses peanut butter cups. I had fat free sweet cream with reduced fat brownies. Not nearly as good as Tony's. Leila shared with me.
At the park Leila didn't want to drink out of her sippy cup, but Mommy's sippy cup...er...water bottle: Let me play!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Leila's "pool"
Today's high temperature was 89 degrees and we took full advantage of it! First thing in the morning we walked to the Farmer's Market and got our produce for the week, and (of course!) a cup of coffee from Tully's. Then we walked over to the Three Dog Bakery to get Ramon a goodie and a new kong. We then walked home and Leila took a nap. During her nap I went out and got a little pool for the backyard. As soon as she woke up we took her to the backyard where she got super excited for her new pool, and even did her "Happy Feet" dance! She couldn't wait for her swimsuit and decided to hop in in her birthday suit.
Make sure your volume is up - you can hear her say "hi" and "bye"
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 9:16 PM 4 comments
Leila's new site
Hi everyone! Thanks for being so understanding for my need to close the babysite. Welcome to Leila's new website! Please make sure to bookmark www.leilamiabella.blogspot.com You can still leave comments at the end of every new entry, the only thing you won't get is an email update letting you know when a new post has been added, so check back frequently!
I hope you enjoy this new site, and if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Posted by Heather @ Glitter and Gloss at 9:05 PM 1 comments