On Friday we went to a great Pumpkin Patch in Half Moon Bay! The weather was GORGEOUS!! (Which was fab, but a tad annoying - accuweather.com said it would be 65 degrees in Half Moon Bay, so we all wore warm clothes, but when we got there it was at least 80!!) Anyways, Leila loved everything about this Pumpkin Patch! They had a train, a tractor ride, a jumpy house, a petting zoo, and her favorite thing in the entire world....PONY RIDES! (Not to mention zillions of pumpkins!) It was packed because there were a lot of field trips, but we still had an awesome time! I waited in line for a half hour for Leila to ride a pony, while her and Tony went to the petting zoo. We even ran into Leila's friend, Tiernan and his family! After spending a good two hours at the pumpkin patch we decided (after lots of begging!) that Leila could ride the ponies one more time. She had a blast, and I swear - if we win the lotto the first thing we're doing is buying that girl a pony!
For those who are wondering, the sticking out the tongue thing is new, I don't know where it came from, and I am NOT a big fan of it.
And, finally we actually got some pumpkins:
For those who are wondering, the sticking out the tongue thing is new, I don't know where it came from, and I am NOT a big fan of it.
sooo cute! Don't you love the pumpkin patch? It's an addiction in our family -we've been 3 times and we still don't have any pumpkins! HA!
Oh - and Ryan is doing the tongue thing too. He's doing it because he's cutting his eye teeth. :(
I am laughing so hard at the Tongue pictures!! I love the disclaimer. she's a cutie!! We need to get together after i get from my trips so I can kiss miss leila's adorable face!! Love ya!! XO
so cute! glad you made it out to half moon bay. i just think the pumpkin patches, christmas tree farms, etc are so much better out there!
i just love the pumpkin patch. we're going again this weekend (just to a diff one). :)
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