Today Leila and I met up with Ty and April at one of our favorite parks - Hap Magee in Danville. It used to be a water park, but the water has been turned off due to the drought. Boo!
Anyways, we went early before it got too hot. We had a ton of fun, although April and I were talking about how much easier it was when we were taking them last year. We could sit them in front of the water while we chatted. This time it was much more chasing and much less talking. Oh, well! We still had a great time!

omg! we are at hap magee like EVERY DAY! and i cant believe you went last year too! andrew and i LIVED at hap magee last year! he took music classes there and we would go there and play pretty much daily! i cant believe i never saw you!!! ugh! guess i gotta start being more observant!
have you ever taken ramon to the dog portion of the park?? we looooove the small dog area! we try to go once a week! so fun!
Looks like fun. When gas get to be too much, try Orloff Park,(off Santa Rita & Valley, enter on Kolln)Pleasanton,94566. Good parking too, great new stuff and young moms with little ones seem to flock there to play and meet new friends. It's good to see good parks being used and a two minute walk to Starbucks. Dogs allowed. (very Cool) Rubys mom
Look at the two cuties! :) I think Sean needs a haircut since Ty is looking super spiffy. ;) He doesn't want to lose any chances. lol.
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